Freedom Leader Survey Phone Name * Email address * Would you be willing to lead in a future Freedom semester? * Yes - I prefer to lead on my own. Yes - I prefer to have a support leader. Yes - I do not have a preference (on my own vs. with a support leader). No If No, are there reasons you feel comfortable sharing why you don't want to lead Freedom again? Thinking about your Freedom Group participants this semester, are there any you would recommend as a potential support leader for future semesters? * Thinking about your Freedom Group participants this semester, are there any you would recommend as potential video testimonials? * Thinking about the leader you were paired with, do you have any feedback or comments about that person? Would you be willing to lead with them again? Why or why not? * Do you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions about the Freedom Experience? * Do you have any feedback for the Freedom Group Hub Leaders? * Do you have any other comments you'd like to share with us? *