Connect Kids

Our vision is to lead children into an intimate, dynamic, and powerful relationship with Jesus in order to fulfill the Great Commission of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world.

Connect KiDS offers a place where children of all ages can discover and develop a passion for God. Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are exposed to God’s Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with God.

New Family pre-registration

Hey, Parents! This is a great way to make for an easy check-in process when arriving for the first time at Connect KiDS! Click pre-register to get started. 

Have a question or want to serve on the team?

If you have a question about Connect Kids or have a desire to serve, we would love to connect with you! If you’re interested, please fill out the form below and someone from our staff will reach out with your next steps.
