Let’s celebrate this season of life! With older children or even an empty nest, this is a great time to hone in on your purpose using wisdom, skills, and experience to truly enjoy the richness and fullness of your life in Christ.

Our goal is to affirm and strengthen those in the second half of life by providing opportunities for spiritual growth. We want to engage you in further pursuit of uncovering and embracing your identity in Christ as well as your passion.

We desire to help you blend experience and maturity with opportunities to grow and serve using Hebrews 6:1–2 as a guidepost: “In maturity there is unity, reconciliation, healing, and of course, the manifestation of the love of Christ.”

Have a question or want to serve on the team?

If you have a question about Connect Senior Adults or have a desire to serve, we would love to connect with you! If you’re interested, please fill out the form below and someone from our staff will reach out with your next steps.


Ron Webb
Senior Adult Pastor

